I had a great time at SwingVester 2018 – WSDC Registry Event. Thanks Roland Hamm and your volunteers for putting down an awesome NewYear’s event with a very cozy atmosphere.
The schedule of the event is really relaxed with all competitions (JnJ
and Strictlies) on Saturday, and workshops on Sunday and Monday starting
not too early. Awesome livemusic on Fridaynight and also loved the
music choice during the rest of the weekend (kudos to the DJ team) And
on top of that a great teacher staff.
Also lots of kudos for Tj Bednash for emceeieng everything together in
your very unique style (that includes your humor ánd the shoes matching
your outfits)

Unfortunately there was no detailed conpetition schedule, so I can only say everything run perfectly on time ;-)….
butseriously I do prefer some indication of order of divisions and
rough time schedule (at least the night before) especially because venue
and hotel are not at the same location.
So my second critical note
is the distance from the venue to the hotel. No hotels on walking
distance and not a lot of airbnb options in the neighbourhood. Ibis
(budget) is 20min by subway (subway has nightservice on weekends, on
other nights or you can take nightbus which takes 30 minutes). But
everybody told me the subway and nightbus are perfectly safe ….
Monday afternoon (dec 31st) there was a city walk organized. Lots of Westies met at the Rathausplatz were there a Christmas market and a life band playing. I expected a guided walk, but must have missed that part?Anyway we danced WCS and had a lot of fun as a nice warm-up for the NYE party.
NYE started with a very tasty New-Year´s-Eve-Buffet (included in
eventpass/partypass) and there was a crash course Vienna waltz.
Ofcourse there was the countdown and a toast at midnight and lots of
dancing. I had a lot of fun at the “All Vienna” fun competition. First
song Waltz, second song WCS. Have you ever tried to dance WCS on a 3/4
beat? Each judge chose a couple and in final the audience decided who
wins. Soooo.. I got another experience to get out of my comfort zone and
tried to be creative …. spotlight finals with Jason Cheung…thanks for our fun dance (but kind of hope they lost the video ?).
Thanks Alexandru Cristian Tanasoiu for dancing Strictly with me. Unfortunately all finalsts showed up ? but happy we were 1st alternate.
Thanks Alexandre Roy for our great dances in Intermediate JnJ which brought us 9th place and an Intermediate point ?
And last but not least thanks to Zoltán Szkubán for our lovely dances in Sophisticated JnJ and our 2nd place. So happy with the event ticket for Bavarian Open WCS 2019 we won.
I can’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year by dancing the night away untill breakfast with my West Coast Swing Family!