Last weekend I went to NeverlandSwing 2018 (WSDC) Carlton President Hotel.
One of the 2 Dutch WSDC events in the Netherlands. Having international
events like this is so important for our small community because not
everybody has the opportunity to travel around the world for some West
Coast Swing 😉
Isn’t it awesome that teachers and dancers from all over the world come
to our little country for a weekend full of workshops, competition and
social dancing? Thanks everybody for the awesome dances!
This fifth edition showed that event director Gordon Mac Donald and his team seriously worked on improving this event. Better organization and they moved the event to a new venue, close the Utrecht. A nice hotel with air-conditioned main ballroom, a spa (Jacuzzi, sauna) and fitness, and a 20 minute bike ride away from the medieval city center and the city beach…..

At the end of the day there’s always room for improvement……BUT never change a winning DJ team. Thanks Jose de la Mancha, Martin Lahmann and Chris Vand for giving me such a hard time to leave the ballroom 😉
Thanks to the teachers Diego Borges & Jessica Pacheco, Chuck Brown, Thibault Ramirez, Estelle Bonnaire, Brett Nomberg, Ksenia Sheina Nomberg, Eric Byers and Keerstin Whitefield for their inspiring workshops, the teacher shows (with the fabulous Karin Kakun partnering with Chuck) and their great energy during the social dances! You all inspired me, and gave me so much nice (solo) material to work on!
Unfortunately no personal succes this time in Novice JnJ (1st alternate is a good result, but also a bit frustrating…..still a long way to go ….), but together with my Crazy Swing bro Paul Pronk I was placed 2nd in Strictly Novice, winning an event ticket for Paris Westie Fest. Thanks for the fun dances Paul!
And last but not least …thank you Gordon and Rosette Spijker and their team for making this event happen!